How to Get Radiant Summer Skin

Everyone wants a gorgeous summery glow, but not everyone knows how to get it. If you’re wondering how to make your skin more radiant, look no further than these tips for how to get radiant summer skin—no matter what time of year it is!

These simple skin care tips are good for both your face and your body. Some of them will sound familiar, but pay close attention to the lesser-known tips for radiant skin, as well as the specific ingredients highlighted below.

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Cleanse Fully and Regularly
Clean skin is happy skin. Debris like dirt, old sebum, and leftover makeup can immediately dull the appearance of skin, plus cause a buildup of dead skin cells that aren’t able to naturally exfoliate.

When you cleanse, make sure you’re using a high-quality cleanser designed for your skin type, and don’t rush the process. Using your fingertips, gently massage the formula into your skin using circular motions for 1-2 minutes. This dissolves the bonds holding dirt, debris, and dead skin cells to the surface of your skin.

Aside from using a great cleanser and taking your time, it’s also important to cleanse morning and evening. Evening is obvious, since your skin deals with environmental debris all day (and makeup if you wear it), but cleansing in the morning is important in the exfoliation process, which preps your skin for your skin care routine.

Speaking of exfoliation, if you want to up your exfoliating game, you can easily do so with a cleansing brush, or even a soft wash cloth! You don’t need to feel like you’re scraping away skin cells or spend lots of money on expensive exfoliating skin care products; exfoliation is a natural process, and you just want to gently help it along.

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Moisturize and Protect
The entire message of ATOPALM is moisture and protection. Many common skin issues are simply due to a lack of protection and moisture, and giving your skin the moisture and protection it needs is the first (and most important) step to reclaiming healthy, glowing skin.

After cleansing and using any treatment products, apply a nourishing moisturizer that reinforces the skin’s natural barrier. This barrier, also known as a lipid layer, is what keeps “bad stuff” out and “good stuff” in. That good stuff includes the moisture and nutrients you just applied during your skin care routine, so properly moisturizing and protection also boosts the efficacy of your skin care products.

In order to boost your skin’s barrier, use any moisturizer containing MLE. Multi-Lamellar Emulsion (MLE) is a scientifically advanced recreation of your skin’s natural Maltese Cross molecule structure. Under a microscope, the natural skin barrier and MLE are identical in both appearance and function.

By reproducing this cellular structure and formulating superior skin care products to introduce it deep into the layers of skin, the damaged Maltese Cross molecules can be repaired and strengthened, supporting the skin’s natural healing and protective processes from within.

Choose Brightening Ingredients
Remember those “key ingredients” mentioned above? Here they are! Using skin-brightening ingredients will go a long way toward getting the radiant skin of your dreams.

One important thing to remember is that skin-brightening ingredients have a cumulative efficacy, which means you need to use them regularly before you start seeing results—but those results are sure to appear!

Vitamin C is one of the most popular skin-brightening ingredients out there because it is gentle, inexpensive, and provides anti-aging antioxidant actions! (That’s a mouthful.) Vitamin C works to brighten skin by blocking an enzyme that produces pigment, which helps reduce discoloration and dullness all at once.

Niacinamide (vitamin B3) is another popular radiance-booster. It slows pigment production, which helps dark spots appear lighter and brighter. Since it’s also a vitamin, it’s considered gentle enough for most skin types.

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Eat and Drink for Your Skin
Eating a diet high in antioxidants and drinking plenty of water are two lifestyle changes you can make to find healthier, glowier skin. Antioxidant polyphenols, found in grapes, berries, and nuts are scientifically linked to protecting against the UV damage that leads to hyperpigmentation.

Meanwhile, water intake is directly related to cell hydration, which is important for every single skin function—including protecting against dullness and pigment issues. Sick of plain water? Add lemon or cucumber, or switch to tea or coffee a couple times a day—they’re not as dehydrating as you’ve heard.

Don’t Skip Your Dermatologist Checkups
Dull, lackluster skin isn’t a serious condition, but severe pigmentation issues might be. Be sure to visit your dermatologist if your skin appearance issues go beyond dullness, like severe hyperpigmentation caused by sun damage, or changes to skin around a mole.

Non-serious skin conditions that may require a dermatologist’s help include melasma, acne scarring, and flaking skin.

Summer-inspired radiant skin isn’t far away. Just make a few tweaks to your day and skin care routine, and you’ll be well on your way to the glowing skin you’ve always wanted.

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